From The Journal

Rooted in season, bathed by the moon: reclaiming earth connection weaving everyday rituals + rhythms with leaf, flower, root + fruit.

ritual, work from home Alyson Morgan ritual, work from home Alyson Morgan

back to work rhythms

the seasonal shift always holds a tension for me. letting go + embodying a new mode of being. after eighteen months home with my children, my partner working from home and juggling homemaking and working, the children are back in school. for me, i’ve found myself a bit lost. the past year and a half have been working around my children and their rhythms and needs, and now I have time.

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Alyson Morgan Alyson Morgan

Fire Roasted Peach Salsa

The summer season is in full swing. Tomatoes are ripening on the vine and peaches have arrived in the Midwest. Market stands pop up with fresh peaches from down South + even a couple local growers grow a smaller peach varieties in their greenhouses. I love getting stone fruit in season, there is really nothing quite like it.

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interior design, home design, renovations Alyson Morgan interior design, home design, renovations Alyson Morgan

Cottage Bathroom Refresh

We bought our cottage for the gardens, for it’s proximity to the local co-op, and the gardens. Over the past four years, it has been a slow but steady process of making the space ours. We bought this home from the granddaughter of the original owners who designed and built this house. There are still a good many half-done, unfinished projects with this house, aka our exterior paint (sorry neighbors). Our kitchen was the first project we took on and this bathroom is our last.

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Alyson Morgan Alyson Morgan

Golden Pickled Beets | From Garden to Table

I plan my gardening around what our family can and likes to eat fresh + what I can preserve. Each year, each garden contains lessons, garden triumphs + failures. For me, food preservation comes in making the most of what is in abundance allowing our family to eat locally, seasonally + healthy year round.

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Alyson Morgan Alyson Morgan

Buck The System Moon | Ritual

This Aquarius full moon is asking what do you still need to release to be free to build constellations of your own desire? How can we connect with ourselves + others to break free of societal, generation dysfunction, and personal limitations for more equitable collective futures?

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Alyson Morgan Alyson Morgan

Replenish Moon | Rituals

This cancer season in particular has called me back to nourish my roots, to remember the foundation of my love for self and for my family. Cancer, the sign of the crab, the first water sign of the zodiac, invites us to its waters for replenishing our own cup, to allow our feelings to flow and to tend with care to the places and the spaces and relationships we call home.

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Alyson Morgan Alyson Morgan

No to Low Sugar Plum Jam

I remember eating plum jam as a kid. Plum jam is my dad’s favorite. My mother is not a jam person. It quickly became one of my favorites and now Griffin too. Okay, let’s be honest, Griffin likes any kind of jam. The thing about plum jam is it is not always available at the market, so it always felt like a special treat to see the jar on the shelf.

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Alyson Morgan Alyson Morgan

Summer Solstice Self Care

Here in the midwest we are shifting into summer. June is here. The signs are all around. living seasonally, when the outside world shifts, we can sense it in our bodies. Just like robins herald the beginning of spring, when our rose bush blooms, I know we are nearing the summer solstice. in the heat of summer, I turn to the plants for nourishment.

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Alyson Morgan Alyson Morgan

A Rumination Moon | Ritual

An adjustment moon. A moon of disintegration to find integration. A moon to move slowly. A moon to encounter innermost duality to perceive oneness.

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Alyson Morgan Alyson Morgan

Canning Season Begins with Ball® Home Canning | Traditional Long Cook Apricot Jam

Canning season always echoes a sentiment for me: slow down and capture the moment. It’s about taking the time to make something worthwhile. The step by step process, slowing down, and tuning into the moment. This spring, I was so happy to find early organic apricots at our local co-op to make this Apricot Jam. My goal this canning season is to build on my canning repertoire.

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Alyson Morgan Alyson Morgan

A Still Moon | Ritual + Rhythm

The Full Moon in Scorpio came and went, and it stirred up the muck + mire from the depths of my inner waters. I wasn’t expecting to be held so hostage to the emotional maelstrom that ensued, but I find clarity comes from such inner + outer turmoil and can be necessary clearing work before we plant anew.

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The Ridge Alyson Morgan The Ridge Alyson Morgan

Coming Home to Ourselves | Our Journey to Slow Living

This weekend, we spent the morning chasing baby bantams chicks at the homestead of our close family friends. Their home, in fact, was the first place that welcomed me into the Driftless. A place so dear to my heart built over time, infused with their magic, love and creative spirit. They, when young like us, lived on this piece of land in a trailer and over the years have build the most magical and loving place. Their story served as sort of blueprint + inspiration for our own dreams for our land.

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Alyson Morgan Alyson Morgan

Nourishing Earth through Everyday Rituals with Ball® Home Canning

Cultivating a slow folk way of living has been so rewarding for me, a slow everyday process + such a learning curve. Slow living really means turning every day rituals into sacred moments to honor the seasons and cultivate a deep connection with our home + the Earth.

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garden, herbalism, homestead Alyson Morgan garden, herbalism, homestead Alyson Morgan

Garden Folk with Farai Harreld

I’m so thrilled to share a new series here, Garden Folk, a collection of garden notes, stories, interviews from humans who love to grow to feed their families, communities, and their souls. Through growing plants and working in the soil they are rekindling their relationship with the earth and cultivating beautiful spaces.

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Alyson Morgan Alyson Morgan

Our Herbarium | Homeschool

I have fond memories of pressing flowers and leaves collected on walks with my mom and dad. We lived in an apartment but had trails behind our house we would walk regularly. Sometime we’d bring apples and carrots to feed the horses that lived on the property along the trail.

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Alyson Morgan Alyson Morgan

Honey Sweetened Marmalade | Seasonal Rhythms

winter jams might be my new favorite activity. it’s cold outside but so cozy inside. hot water canner steaming up the kitchen windows. in these summer months, the heat can feel like too much, but now it feels just right

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Alyson Morgan Alyson Morgan

Orange Poppyseed Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting | Seasonal Rhythms

This delicious cake was the main part of our Imbolc celebrations. Imbolc being the midpoint between Winter and Spring. We celebrated the return of the light and being closer to spring. This Orange poppyseed cake would be delicious with Lemon as well. It is a take on a lemon and olive oil cake I made a couple years back for griffin’s birthday.

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