From The Journal
Rooted in season, bathed by the moon: reclaiming earth connection weaving everyday rituals + rhythms with leaf, flower, root + fruit.
A Guide For Rest & Rejuvenation
In a global pandemic, that has lasted almost a year, I’ve found I cannot tell myself not to worry, to just let go because there are real worries and tangible concerns facing us all. You may be experiencing sleepless nights, being overworked, lack support systems you used to have, full time parenting and juggling many tasks. Many people are facing months of social isolation, job loss, sickness, loss of relatives, and loved ones.
Twenty Twenty-one Garden Plans | Gardening
Our USDA Hardiness zone is 4b, but after this being my fourth year gardening here, I find our soil thaws earlier and i can plant things out early than the recorded last frost date of May 12th. So I am more inclined to start cold hardy seeds earlier in the season.
Curated Seed Collaboration with Halden Garden | Gardening
I’m preparing for our twenty twenty one garden. I, of course, have my favorites to grow, but I love trying a couple new varieities each year to work into the mix.
The Land | Our Journey To Slow Living
when we realized we couldn’t make this house we love bigger, we went on a hunt. we started looking for old farmhouses. it’s been my dream to fix up an old farmhouse, Joanna Gaines Fixer Upper anyone?
Cottage Homestead | Our Journey To Slow Living
The late winter of 2017 our friend Hannah had walked through a home for us. Hannah was about eight months pregnant but had kindly offered to lend us a hand in our house hunt. She lived in this town and could easily look at a property, if we needed her to
From the City to the Country | Our Journey to Slow Living
in December 2016, shortly after the passing of our dear friend we started to consider making a move to the country. their farmhouse was on the market for sale. this place being one of the first places that felt like home for aj throughout his college years, and where I had experienced my first taste of the driftless
Forest Bathing | Holiday Herbal Gift Giving with Ball® Canning
I’m always a fan of handmade gifts. I love crafting something special for the folks in my life. I seriously turn into a holiday elf come the last week of November. I love making gifts that are consumable, meaning they are used up and then done, little to no waste.
Simple Holiday Celebrations with Ball® Canning
I truly love the holiday season. I love creating rituals and traditions with our family. Making the little moments special, magical. I’m not a huge fan over the overconsumption and commercialization of the holiday season so I love the idea of bringing the outdoors in and repurposing things around the home for decorating for the holidays.
I’ve turned Ball® Canning little quilted jars we used for jams this season into magical sparkling candleholder with the addition of a beeswax tealight, and turned the Ball® Canning Fluted Jar we canned our pears in into flower vases + drinking glasses.
Capsule Wardrobe with L'Envers
this the beginning of a conversation i’ve been wanting to have here on my blog for a while. about consumerism, about fast fashion, about my relationship to clothing, about building my capsule wardrobe. it’s a sorted past me and consumerism, but I feel the story that hides in my shame is the one that should be told.
Cinnamon Spiced Pears with Ball® Canning
this is not hyperbole, this is my favorite recipe yet as a ball® canning ambassador. unsweetened, cinnamon spiced pears.
A Seasonal Shift
Autumn is a time for the harvest, gathering up all the literal fruits of your labor, and storage is a big part. This week, a goal of mine is to finally clear out the drying rack, garble herbs into glass jars. Harvest whatever herbs + vegetables are still alive in the garden.
Herbal Apple Cider with Ball® Canning
a delicious, heart warming apple cider recipe with fall, infused with herbal goodness, brought to you with the help of Ball Canning.
Homeschooling, Unschooling, + Learning Together.
I want to begin by saying that wherever you are in your journey with schooling, my hats off to you. There are no easy decisions to make it you have children in covid. Our family made the decision that is best for us at this moment, and I completely anticipate it shifting and changing as the year goes on.
From Garden to Table | Roasted Salsa Verde with Ball Canning
From garden to table, let’s talk tomatillos. At the end of summer we collected pounds of tomatillos, but we haven’t planted a seed. The old owner of our home grew most of her food on our small .6 acres of land in town.
From Garden to Table | Homemade Kosher Dill Pickles with Ball® canning
Happy August to you. While fall feels like its right around the corner, we are still enjoying garden harvest and waiting for a spell of hot weather to ripen our tomatoes. Today, i’m talking pickles. disclaimer: this is not a sugar free recipe, but it is low sugar, with only 1/4 cup. while we don’t eat a lot of sugar, I was curious to explore the world of pickling
peach jam + the pectin calculator with ball canning
One of the values I hold in the kitchen, among trying to use fresh, organic, and local ingredients when I can, is sugar free eating. It started when the kiddos were little, I made almost all their baby food and when we started feeding them solids, we decided not to introduce them to sugar
peach + pecan baked oatmeal
it’s peach season! before putting up some peaches, i’m making some simple, naturally sweetened summer treats.
first up, it’s peach + pecan baked oatmeal for breakfast. not too much writing here, as the frenzy of summer has kicked in, you can find the recipe below!!!
Tastes of Summer | Black Cap Jam | Forage, Harvest, Eat
it feels like so much life has happened in the past six months, that even though things have slowed time is moving as fast as ever. black raspberries ripening on the vine is one of those signals to my heart and mind that we are nearing the midpoint of summer.
Naturally Sweetened Strawberry Jam | Preserving the Harvest
I am so excited to share this post with you. Food preservation is something we can use to bring our garden harvests of summer and early fall into treats to nourish and share in the winter months. The act of canning is preparing + storing food like our ancestors did. It is a return to traditional ways to tap into our own resilience and lost knowledge.