Buck The System Moon | Ritual

Traditionally called the buck moon by the Algonquin tribes as male deer begin the growth of their antlers the first full moon of summer. This moon is asking us to examine our own growth half way through the year.

This Aquarius full moon is asking what do you still need to release to be free to build constellations of your own desire? How can we connect with ourselves + others to break free of societal, generation dysfunction, and personal limitations for more equitable collective futures?

This moon nestled in the beginning of Leo season is asking us step into our own courage + let the light of the full moon illumination our fears so we can step into our truest selves. 

Change comes eventually. Are you going to stand in your personal power to take guided action or will you be pulled by the force of change? Think climate crisis, economic inequalities, familial dysfunction, racism, patriarchy + white supremacy? How can we take rooted + embodied action guided by our own truth for the collective good? What can you do with what resources + abundance you have innately? We are often convinced we need something outside of ourselves to make a change + to make a difference?

For this full moon, the energy of which you can work with two days before or after, is to write down a list of my limiting beliefs + to rewrite them in a a supporting way. How can I break free from the confines of my own thought processes? Ideas about the ways in which i move through the world given to me by society? How can I befriend to transcend blockages to stand more fully in my power? What am I resisting + how can I surrender more to change? After this release through realization, I’m going to pour my heart into a gratitude list. Letting my love for self heal and fill the void.

I’d love to hear how your are experiencing this lunation, the first two Aquarius Full Moons.

x, alyson


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