From The Journal
Rooted in season, bathed by the moon: reclaiming earth connection weaving everyday rituals + rhythms with leaf, flower, root + fruit.
Preserve the Harvest | Tomato Chili sambal
It may be october, but the fall garden is still producing. I’m taking advantage of what fresh produce, herbs and flowers are available. I was excited when Ball® Canning asked me to test out their new recipe for Tomato Chili Sambal, an Indonesian condiment made with tomatoes, garlic, peppers, shallots and ginger. This Ball® recipe calls for cherry tomatoes, which I currently have in abundance
preserving the season | ginger pear preserves
the light is shifting from the skies, the mornings are wrapped in a chill, the shift is upon us. the warmth of summer slowly slips into fall. do you feel it?
From Garden to Table | Roasted Salsa Verde with Ball Canning
From garden to table, let’s talk tomatillos. At the end of summer we collected pounds of tomatillos, but we haven’t planted a seed. The old owner of our home grew most of her food on our small .6 acres of land in town.