We are all so grateful for this a snow day, we’ve been wishing and wishing and delivered at least a foot of snow. and with Griffin home the past few days with a touch of a cold, AJ and I have felt we’ve been fighting it off too. With a snow day we’ve vacillated between building snow forts and cuddling by the fire. In between I made this immune supporting Elderberry Hot Toddy from my book Our Kindred Home. It’s a simple recipe if you have elderberry syrup on hand and can be made non-alcoholic with the same soothing properties. Today I used an elderberry maple syrup from Moon Canyon Healing to make our recipe. Their recipe features cardamom and hyssop and is so delicious.

recipe excerpt from Our Kindred Home


Makes one serving

1 tablespoon Elderberry Syrup (page 232)

1 1/2 cup boiling water

Orange slice

1 ounce whiskey (optional)


Pour the elderberry syrup into a mug, add boiling water, and stir. Add orange slice and dash of whiskey (if using).

Simple, easy, delicious and wonderful for a snow day.
