Alyson Morgan

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Wild Rose Honey | Herbalism

wild rose is a powerful medicine for the heart especially during these time of social upheaval and processing the shadow parts that exist within ourselves and our society. people are processing deep emotional and ancestral trauma, which feels heavy. it feels as if we have live in a collective state of anxiety for months. wild rose is here to nourish your heart.

rosa multiflora is a bioregional herb for the emotional heart. think of the thorns of a rose bush possess yet it has a beautiful, intoxicating scent and simple bloom that draws you in. wild rose is about healing the heartspace from a place of protection. wild rose assists us in finding acceptance, processing and releasing trauma from a protective place. wild rose reduces stress and inflammation. wild rose is calming to the nervous system, allows one to process grief, access their vulnerability and be bathed in self love.

wild rose is mood altering and uplifting plant, bringing cheer and easing heartbreak. rose is also considered an aphrodisiac and can arose the senses from a place of depression. wild rose is also used in a physical sense to tone and tighten tissues, easing hot tissue states like sunburns, swelling, wounds. indigenous peoples chewed the leaves as a poultice for bee stings.

wild rose honey


gather flowers, buds and petals. make sure the plant you are harvesting from is free from pesticides and herbicides, and remember to leave some for the bees and insect pollinators. you want to make sure you are harvesting fragrant buds, I find they are most fragrant in the morning. after I harvest, I lay the basket outdoors or put flat on a tray so any little critters can crawl away.


wild roses

local honey

a clean + dry, small jar



fill a small jar with enough roses to fill to the top, but not too densely packed. fill the jar half way with honey. use the chopstick to stir, releasing any air bubbles or pockets. if your honey is crystallized, you can gently warm the honey, being careful not to get too hot because that can destroy beneficial enzymes in the honey. add the remainder of the honey, stirring again to ensure all the blossoms are coated with honey. cover and let infuse for one to two weeks. you can enjoy a teaspoon of honey in your tea, leaving the petals or you can strain if you prefer.

I love to try and capture the essence of summer in many ways to enjoy for later months. I use rose honey as the base of my wholehearted elixir and to work more energetically you can try wild rose flower essence.