Staying Home with Sol Organics | Mindful Homemaking

Making choices for home.

Even before we were deep in social isolation, I’d been working to make the choices for our home good for our bodies and the planet too. Now that we are spending so much time in our home, i’m being called to make my choices more intentional. Our homes are more than four walls, they are the spaces that shelter + nurture us and we are influenced emotionally and physically by what is around us.

My awareness about materials, ethical companies, and products made to stand the test of time, not to break or fall apart after a season, is growing. These are important factors to take into consideration when bringing new items into our home.

I have been trying to consider where that item will go when their life cycle is complete, before bringing new items in. Some questions that I try to keep in mind: what is the material? what is it made from? in the process of making what were its effects on the workers? were they treated well, paid fairly? and how was the environment affected by production? And while its not always possible to follow this standard, it is truly rewarding when we can.

Home is your body and the earth.

The more I’ve read about the damage plastics and microfibers are doing to the health of the planet and our bodies, I’ve been trying to be more mindful and strategic about what we wear on our bodies. Choosing natural materials over synthetic fibers. Our skin is our largest organ, and while we may be mindful of the body care products we use, its also important to think about what is on the fabrics our skin is exposed to. Are they treated with chemicals? We spend eight to tens hours of our day in bed, meaning we are being exposed to these things through our skin.

These Sol Organics linens absorb moisture without holding bacteria, is non allergenic and antibacterial. We’ve been choosing linen for our clothing as well.

As we are learning, indoor environmental pollution is a real thing. Recent studies have shown that millions of microfibers are released into the waterways every time synthetic clothing and bedding are washed. The microfibers travel through the sewer and end up in the oceans where marine mammals ingest them. In return, when we eat fish, like salmon or tuna, we ingest them as well. 

Linens are an investment

Its difficult sometimes when we are trying to live on a sustainable budget for our family as well, but we have begun not choosing the least expensive options but seeing things entering into our homes and lives as an investment. An investment in our health, in the environment and workers wellbeing too.

It used to be that linens were handed down as heirlooms, were well worn and cared for, from a grandmother or mother to a daughter. Linen is stronger than cotton, meaning it’s durable and can stand the test of time. Unlike cotton, linen that’s been well cared for can last for up to three decades. Linen is thought to be one of the oldest fabrics on earth dating back to 8000BC.

Fair Wages, Ethical Labor

It’s also become important to me to try my best to find products that are made ethically. To make sure the people behind the scenes are treated fairly, paid ethical wages, and are not exposed to chemicals that can cause them illness. Sol Organics bedding is made from organic fabrics, fair trade, shipped plastic free and are free of chemicals.

SOL Organics factory partners make a living wage and they do not employ child labor. It is mind-blowing to me to think in twenty twenty, the things we use in our everyday lives, from our cellphones to our furniture and clothing are the result of horrific conditions for people all over the globe. Thinking about what is behind a label has really shifted the way I consume, and its hard, but doing the research and the ground work is important in shifting global systems. The choices we make as consumers can make a difference through collective action.

SOL Organics works with partners in India that invest in the health and well-being using 100% organic long-staple cotton, grown from non-GMO cottonseed this leads to better farming practices that reduce our carbon footprint, conserve and protect drinking water and keep us all safe from harmful chemicals.

Flax | A Plant for the Earth

Plants are not only our food and medicine, they are the materials that make up our homes. Utilizing plants that are better for our homes and environment is vital. Flax, the plant from which linen is made, is also extremely versatile. Every part of the flax plant has traditionally been used to create a worthwhile product – nothing is wasted, and production is cost effective and energy efficient.

A common by-product of flax is Linseed Oil, which is great for wood preservation, especially in varnishes. Flax is resilient and can grow in poor soil, using far less water in its consumption than cotton. Flax which is very easy to grow, requiring very little water, only rainwater, making it very environmentally friendly. It also is not targeted by pests, so it doesn’t require applications of pesticides.

Linen is a natural fiber, and so it is recyclable + biodegradable. Linen fabrics can be recycled into paper and insulation. The flax plant itself trap massive amounts of CO2 giving it a positive effect on the environment. The European Confederation of Flax and Hemp estimated that one hectare of flax traps 3.7 tons of CO2 every year.

These Sol Organics linens are stonewashed, super soft not rough at all. They get softer each wash and over time.

Caring for Our Home is Self Care

As we’ve been spending more time at home, I’ve been feeling the need to make our space a place we want to spend time. There are days when the house is destroyed because we are living in it. We live, we love, we make messes. but often my mental well being is influenced by the things in our home. when it is organized and cared for, my anxiety is greatly reduced.

Aj and I had made the intention at the beginning of the year to spend more time together. After couples therapy last year, we wanted to reconnect to the foundation of our relationship that is the foundation of our family. With this pandemic, it has been difficult to keep that intention.

Our small 1200 sq ft home is where we are all working, living, playing, + growing. AJ and I have found it hard to make the space for us. Reworking our master bedroom and making this space a small but sacred haven has helped us reduce our anxiety and come together.

I painted our walls with Clare Paint On Point. Clare is a non toxic, zero voc (volitatle organic compounds) and low odor. As I painted our walls, late one night, I felt like I was giving our relationship a clean slate. Remembering all the challenges of marriage we’ve had over the years, but with a fondness that the challenges have helped us get to where we are today.

The next day when I made our bed with these Sol Organics, freshly laundered, soft stonewashed linens, our space felt infused with love + intention.


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