winter solstice | simple rituals + reflections

This post is sponsored by the makers of Ball® home canning products.*

"This is the solstice, the still point of the sun, its cusp and midnight, the year's threshold and unlocking, where the past lets go of and becomes the future; the place of caught breath." - Margaret Atwood

the solstice is the longest night of the year. our modern christmas celebrations came from incorporating ancient + various solstice traditions. solstice celebrations celebrating the return of the sun, many rituals incorporating gathering, candlelight + bringing evergreens indoors. the solstice marks the darkest night but also the beginning of when light will begin to grow again in the sky.

traditionally, winter is a time for rest, hibernation and returning to the root. our bodies are of the earth, not entities to continue to push + grow. when we can honor +i embrace those natural, cyclical energies rather than the push of capitalism to overconsume, ease can be easily found. i’ve begun to prefer meaningful + slow gathering, honoring the stillness of the season.

i love a simple solstice + yule celebration. freshly gathered evergreens to decorate the table + aglow from tea lights tucked into Ball® Quilted Crystal jars

repurposing Ball® Quilted Crystal Half Pint and 4oz jars that once held summer jams for water at our table all year round. there is something simple, elegant and rustic and sets the mood for gatherings meant for connection over consumption.

Rosemary red wine sangria

bringing plants into our celebration is a wonderful way to find more relaxation + connection. for a non alcoholic version of this beverage, you can substitute the red wine for organic unsweetened pomegranate or cranberry juice.


1/2 cup sweetener (sugar or honey)

1/2 cup water

1/2 inch piece of fresh ginger, sliced

1 bottle of red wine

2-3 sprigs of fresh rosemary

Orange slices

2 star anise, whole

Sparkling water

1/4 cup grand marnier


In a small saucepan, bring your sweetener, water, ginger and rosemary sprigs to a simmer. Remove from heat and let cool. Strain through a sieve and store in a Ball® half pint jar in the refrigerator.

To make sangria, add bubbly water and red wine to a large pitcher. Add a sprig of rosemary, orange slices, star anise and 1/4 cup herbed simple syrup to tase. Stir well and let sit for an hour before serving. 

a simple solstice reflection

we can weave meaning + intention to our gatherings through deeper connection with ourselves + others.

i invite you to, after drinks + dinner are served, to reflect on the year gone by. sharing around the table or held in the privacy of your heart:

  1. remember with fullness one experience you were thankful for + one you grieved.

  2. holding space in your heart for one person who touched your life.

  3. how can you support yourself to find the wisdom that can be found in this season of dormancy + rest?

  4. what is one word or intention you’d like to cultivate in twenty twenty two like a seed?

what are some of your favorite solstice rituals + reflections?

*Disclosure: This is a sponsored post that is part of an ongoing partnership with the Fresh Preserving Division of Newell Brands. They have provided jars, equipment and monetary compensation. All thoughts and opinions expressed remain my own.


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