Alyson Morgan

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new moon, new year

twenty twenty two opens with a new moon in capricorn, the sea goat, determined to climb mountains and reach new heights. but how far can you climb on the foundation you are standing on? what needs attention + devotion to see your dream through the year? how can i practice diligent imperfection?

a foundation moon. new moon dreams grounded in reality. envision yourself a new moon. our living bones moon. a moon for dreams to take root.

how are you anchored in your values to envision the road ahead?

a new year is a time where well intentioned words, resolutions, + insights get thrown around but a capricorn moon asks what does it truly mean to put in the daily work no one else sees to bring visions + change to life? for the new year, i’m not interested in diets + detoxes; i’m not interested in shallow self improvement for progress sake. i’m not interested on what looks good on the outside, what sounds good to fit in but feels good on the inside, what makes our lives burn bright to wholly heal what aches, and to see with crystal clarity what makes us feel broken, lost, and alone.

what are the practical implications, the mundane movements, and structural changes necessary to mean what you say + to act out of the work? and the work is not for us to do in isolation or alone as individualism + capitalism sells us, the work is our collective human right and it is vibrant and beautiful and alive.

if your dreams are for a just world, what does it truly take?

it’s isn’t just waxing about decolonizing as a thought exercise employing buzz words floating around in the ethers but changing the structures of your thoughts + actions that creates lasting change. how are you rooted in colonialization + how does that hold you back from real change? this capricorn new moon asks for accountability in making amends within + without is foundational.

this moon asks of us, in humility, to get clear at where we come from, our roots, and to look at the cracks in our foundations, if any. i spent the end of the year with my family in california after two years apart. i was nervous to travel in the pandemic but knew i needed to come home, i need the nourishment of my roots after two long chaotic years of parenting in a pandemic, being without my kin, i was worn thin and time with them was more life giving than i could have imagined. standing in my home state surrounded by the hands, hearts and minds, stories and landscapes that shaped me. bathed in my uncles laughter and adventure, my dads sense of play, my mother’s and aunt’s caretaking, in relationship to them i was given the gift of remembering where i come from and why i’ve chosen the paths i have, for better or for worse. with a compassionate heart, i saw our struggles and our joys, and i felt imbued grace and realignment.

what risks can we take to heal? risking our egos, our sense of identity + acceptance, can we have the courage to accept ourselves squarely where we stand with no pretense, embracing our perceived flaws + fault lines and all.

how can we align our hearts desires with collective healing? if my intention is abundance, am i just talking about myself or am i holding that dream for all? how are our intentions made stronger when they are laid as a foundation for many? if my goal is to decolonize, am i looking at my own actions, relationships + behaviors or am i just projecting the work i need to do on others? our held vision is only as strong as the foundation it is built upon.

as new moons are a time to plant seeds, this moon is asking us to see a new way forward through embodying our hearts desires, cleaning out to find clarity + hope as a blueprint, hope is a plan of action grounded in reality. dreams built upon empty words rarely encompass a full scope. capricorn’s steady determination + work ethic questions our motives: who does it serve to bypass the hard uncomfortable work?

the plant can only grow us tall as the soil is nourished. our dreams can only take root as we’ve done the work on the soil of our being, so what are our dreams really going to take?

new years are a favorite time of mine to clean my home with intention and care to welcome in fresh energy. what stagnate ways of being need to be swept away from our subconscious? can we accept a reset not as a button that’s pressed and served up instant gratification but one held with dutiful actions and belief that we can grow and change in our humanity?

how can we have our feet deeply grounded on this earth, our hearts in collective alignment + our heads in the clouds to dream more potent and resonate dreams into being?

questions on my heart + mind on this new moon to start this next rotation around the sun.

xo, alyson