Alyson Morgan

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lessons from the hive | grow in community

my mind is abuzz with happenings i want to catch you up on. there is so much i want to tell you. as this full moon in libra approaches what i want to share, convey is little pieces i’m learning about myself in the unfolding of spring. i’m learning to give + receive more fully. and that important things, little things do not need to happen in isolation. maybe it was the past two years in a pandemic, learning to get by with less people, less community, less relationship. siloed to stay safe, i feel the windows of my soul opening up for a gust of fresh air to breathe new life into me.

as the ground thaws, our plans for our home build are becoming more concrete. the garden beds are ready to be planted, and my dream of bees was growing but i realized i didn’t want to pile more, more, more onto my ever growing list. cultivating a relationship with bees was something i want to take me time on, but our land was begging for bees to roll in the apple blossoms in spring, to buzz through the elder + black raspberry brambles in summer + the goldenrod prairies come autumn. i wanted our land, our safe haven to be a sacred place for life more than our own. i extended an offer to my local friend + beekeeper, Janelle of January Farms, that if she need a place for her bees, our home was theirs. so today under a full moon in libra, she installed two hives. it is here i locate a new balance between me + we and what can be created + achieved through community. the hive begins to buzz…

in this new arrangement, the land is host to bees, i can become a student, watching, observing, learning a new language, and build a deeper relationship with my friend, the bees + our land. the children + aj were there, watching, asking questions, learning in the process. i remember being a kid and being afraid of a bee sting, now i want to help, and tend + care, and make the bees a cup of tea. all of our awareness has expanded in the presence of these bee folk. as bees buzzed pass, landed our bare skin, we were a part of.

i’m learning i don’t have to always know, there are others to learn from + to share in wisdom with. my first lesson from the hive: we can grow + flourish in community. to achieve and share our dreams means to share our burdens + our joys. so for now, i wait with anticipation to continue to soak up the experience, the failures and the successes + grow alongside this new connection + community of bees.

now i’m dreaming about what more i can plant this spring for the bees….

xo, alyson