a moon to start anew

this leo new moon is a reminder our words are spells. our dreams are seeds, what we put out into the world when we step into our power, sovereignty + purpose is a meaningful action in itself. to me, leo embodies our own inner light, play, and strength.

our worth is not dependent on success but our own belief in our inherent right to be exactly as we are.

i’ve spent a good portion of my time here on this earth hiding out of fear. not speaking my truths because i was afraid my truth conflicted with another’s reality. this moon invites us wholeheartedly into our being, our body + our existence. to love, to live, to breath + find joy in the sensations of being alive.

in a time when there is so much chaos, suffering, confusion swirling around, just feeling the sun on our skin, waters nourishing us + our bare feet planted on the ground are all prayers that we can understand the gifts we carry in our spirits are connected to the gifts of this earth. when i think about my gifts, i return to my inner child, what did i get lost in for hours at a time when wonder won over achievement?

in a time of more questions than answers, our truest answers can be found within our joy + our courage.

this new moon let us change paths by changing the questions + clarifying our focus:

what brings you joy?

how do you nourish your own worth?

how is my self love interdependent?

how can i give more of my gifts, to myself + others?

how can i remember to play?

i’ve been singing more. i used to love to sing as a girl before fear of my voice crept in. singing a balm for my solar plexus and throat chakra to allow my light out into the world.

how are you experiencing this lunation?

xx, alyson


end of summer | canning


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