Alyson Morgan

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hello february.

hello february.

it’s been about a month since we returned from our holiday road-trip from california. to be truthful, january moved as painfully slow as molasses, but in retrospect, i needed time to stretch out. i needed the rest + time spent just living. less worries, less work, more time listening melodic rustling of the winter through the samaras, more time embodied.

in celebration of black history month, i’m connecting deeply with my ancestors + a call to honor my body with rest.

last year was a busy year for me, and this year is looking to be the same.

ease betwixt the push + pull.

i’m excited and nervous for all the change this year holds. as a taurus i can try and push, instead of letting things naturally unfurl. i prefer consistency, stability, knowns. yet, some of our plans for this year are up in the air. how can i find a place to embrace the mystery + unseen edge of growth?


one things is for sure, winter routines are proving to be so vital. winter walks, more meditation, vitamin d + iron supplements are all increasing my resilience to grey midwest midwinter days. equally invigorating are the color palettes of winter whites, blooming paperwhites + my little indoor garden + winter daydreams of the new home we are planning help too. lots of pots of tea + one cup of coffee a day give me the boost i need without pushing my nervous system off the edge. i also participated in a dry january, ive really noticed, forgoing the evening glass of wine, aiding my mental clarity + more sound sleep. i may keep it going for a while. instead turning to bubbly water with a dropperful of schisandra tincture while i cook instead.

i’m ready to greet the rising energy that comes as the days grow longer + sunlight lingers in the evening skies. while im ready for forward movement of spring, before i begin garden planning, and jumping too far ahead, im going to bask a little longer in the expanse of winter rest that says it’s okay to work from bed, it’s okay to snuggle back in. how about you?

xx, alyson